Comparison of risk assessment based on clinical judgement


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A purpose is to encourage preventive measures before new cavities will occur. Cariogram is an educational program developed for better understanding of the multifactorial disease dental caries. It illustrates the "caries risk" and possible interactions between caries related factors. A purpose is to encourage preventive measures before new cavities will occur.

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Vad är en biofilm? Plack, bakterier vidhäftade på tandens yta. I vilka kliniska studier kan man ha anv av kunskaper om kariesframkallande bakt roll  Cariogram. Gräns 20%.

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3 Caries risk in dental care among children and adolescents Abstract  Cariogram - ett hjälpmedel mot karies. Cariogram är ett hjälpmedel som räknar ut hur stor sannolikheten är att utveckla karies (hål i tänderna). LIBRIS titelinformation: On caries risk profiles using cariogram and caries prevention with fluoride toothpaste on orthodontic patients [Elektronisk resurs] / Anas  Singh, A: CARIOGRAM - A Multifactorial Risk Assessment Model: Singh, Avnish, Singh, Ricky Pal, Pawar, Amrita: Books. Det visar avhandlingen ”Assessing Caries Risk – using the Cariogram Model” som Gunnel Hänsel Petersson vid avdelningen för Kariologi på  Hur kopplar du ett cariogram till opus?


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Cariogram is an educational program developed for better understanding of the multifactorial disease dental caries. It illustrates the "caries risk" and possible interactions between caries related factors. A purpose is to encourage preventive measures before new cavities will occur. Cariogram is an educational program developed for better understanding of the multifactorial disease dental caries. It illustrates the "caries risk" and possible interactions between caries related factors.
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Caries risk profiles in 2- to 6-year-old Greek children using the Cariogram · K. Kavvadia, A. Agouropoulos, S. Gizani,  Malmö har aviserat att man vill ha Cariogram som en programpunkt 2008. - Även viktigt se till att det finns ansvariga för de olika symposierna.

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Bibliotekskatalog Odont Inst : On caries risk profiles using

It helps to understand the multifactorial aspects of dental caries. Cariogram is an educational program developed for better understanding of the multifactorial disease dental caries. It illustrates the "caries risk" and possible interactions between caries related Cardiogram is a personalized heart rate diary that helps you understand what your heart is telling you.

Klinisk prövning på Dental Caries: reproducability of caries

Subjects were divided into three different preventive groups (control: OH, fluoride varnish: FV, and The area under the ROC curve for the complete Cariogram model was 0.77 (95% CI 0.70-0.83) indicating a fair performance in predicting root caries. Omitting individual or all salivary variables did not significantly alter the predictive ability of the Cariogram. Cariogram. 5.4K likes. Publisher. - All Muslims were angry with the ′′ Prophet peace be upon him ′′ Look at the left of ′′ our master Muhammad peace be upon him ′′ said what to his companions :- = The Messenger of Allah cried one day ′′ They said: What makes you cry, O Messenger of Allah?

It illustrates the "caries risk" and possible interactions between caries related factors. A purpose is to encourage preventive measures before new cavities will occur. Cariogram model” vid avdelningen för cariologi, Odontologiska fakulteten, Tandvårdshögskolan i Malmö. Fakultetsopponent var professor Lars Gahnberg, Köpenhamn.